Are you struggling to get a stuck boot off of your foot? If so, don’t despair with the right guidance and patience, you can have your shoe removed in no time. Here at our blog we’ll explain how to tackle this tricky problem safely and effectively so that you can go about business as usual in no time. 

From using tried-and-true methods like putting oil on the zipper or using simple tools like a spoon handle or hem clip, to learning ways to prevent it happening again in the future, this post provides solutions for successfully removing those pesky stuck boots!

15 Proven Methods to get a  stuck boot off your foot:

Apply lubricant: 

Using oil, soap or even a dry powder like baby powder around the zipper can help reduce friction and make it easier to slide off your boot.

Use pliers: 

If you have access to pliers, grip the zipper firmly and pull downwards while gently tugging on your foot upwards.

Try twisting: 

Sometimes rotating your foot back and forth while pulling on the zipper can help loosen it.

Use gravity: 

Try hanging your foot off of a raised surface such as a bed or chair, and pull downwards on the zipper.

Use ice: 

If your boot is stuck because of swelling in your foot, try icing it for a few minutes to reduce swelling before attempting to remove the boot again.

Cut the zipper: 

As a last resort, you can carefully cut along the zipper to release your foot from the boot.

Use a candle or crayon: 

Rubbing wax from a candle or crayon onto the zipper teeth can help lubricate and loosen it.

Use a hammer: 

In extreme cases, gently tapping on the stuck zipper with a hammer may help loosen it.

Apply heat: 

Using a hair dryer or hot water bottle can help expand the material around the zipper, making it easier to remove.

Use a pencil eraser: 

Rubbing an eraser along the zipper teeth can help smooth out any roughness that may be causing it to get stuck.

Use dish soap: 

Applying dish soap directly onto the zipper and working it in can help loosen it.

Use a screwdriver: 

A small flathead screwdriver can be used to gently pry apart the teeth of the zipper if they are stuck together.

Try plugging your nose: 

This may sound strange, but holding your nose while pulling up on the zipper can help create suction and reduce tension.

Use a lubricant spray: 

Similar to applying oil or soap, using a lubricant spray can help loosen the zipper.

Use a shoehorn: 

If your foot is stuck because the boot is too tight, using a shoehorn may help you slide it off more easily.

Preventing Future Stuck Boots:

  • Avoid wearing boots that are too small or narrow for your feet.
  • Regularly clean and maintain your boots to prevent any buildup or damage to the zipper.
  • Consider using a zipper lubricant regularly to keep it running smoothly.
  • If possible, opt for boots with laces instead of zippers to avoid this issue altogether.
  • If you know your feet tend to swell, consider wearing looser fitting boots or using compression socks.
  • Always take off your shoes carefully and avoid pulling on the zipper too hard.
  • Consider investing in a boot jack - a tool specifically designed to help remove stuck footwear.
  • If you have a history of getting stuck boots, keep a small bottle of lubricant or wax in your bag or car for easy access.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you really can’t get the boot off sometimes an extra set of hands can make all the difference.
  • Finally, always be patient and don’t panic. Stay calm and try different methods until you find one that works for you.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Pulling too hard on the zipper: This can cause damage to the zipper teeth or even break it off completely.
  • Cutting or forcing your foot out of the boot: This can result in injury to your foot or damage to the boot itself.
  • Using sharp objects near the zipper: Be careful when using tools like scissors, knives, or screwdrivers as they can easily puncture or cut the material of your boot.
  • Ignoring discomfort or pain while wearing the boots: If your boots are causing you discomfort, it’s important to address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem.
  • Not properly maintaining your boots: Regularly cleaning and caring for your boots can help prevent them from getting stuck in the first place.
  • Not asking for help: If you’re struggling to remove your boot, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. It’s better to have someone help you than risk injuring yourself.
  • Trying to force the boot off: This can not only damage your boot, but it can also cause injury to your foot.
  • Panicking: Stay calm and patient while trying to remove your boot. Remember, there are always solutions to this problem.
  • Not using proper tools or methods: Using improper tools and techniques can not only be ineffective, but it can also cause further damage to your boot. Make sure to use recommended methods and tools for safe removal.
  • Not taking preventative measures: After successfully removing your stuck boot, make sure to take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.
  • Wearing boots that are too tight or restrictive: This can not only cause discomfort or pain when wearing them, but it can also increase the likelihood of getting stuck.
  • Not addressing stuck boots promptly: If you notice your boot getting stuck, try to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Ignoring it can potentially make the problem worse.
  • Not being aware of your foot size and shape: It’s important to know your exact foot measurements and shape when purchasing boots to ensure a proper fit and avoid getting stuck.
  • Using excessive force: Be gentle when trying to remove a stuck boot and avoid using excessive force. This can cause damage to the boot or harm your foot.
  • Not being familiar with different types of zippers: Different types of zippers may require different techniques for removal, so it’s important to know what type of zipper you’re dealing with before attempting to remove a stuck boot.
  • Not seeking professional help: If you’ve tried multiple methods and still can’t remove your stuck boot, it may be best to seek professional assistance from a cobbler or shoe repair shop. They have the expertise and tools to safely remove the boot without causing damage.

Benefits of Properly Maintaining and Treating Stuck Boots:

  • Saves money: By properly maintaining your boots and addressing stuck zippers promptly, you can avoid having to buy new boots or pay for expensive repairs.
  • Prevents injury: Taking the proper precautions and using recommended methods for removing stuck boots can prevent potential injuries to yourself or damage to your boots.
  • Keeps your boots in good condition: By regularly cleaning and maintaining your boots, you can extend their lifespan and keep them looking and functioning like new.
  • Saves time: Dealing with a stuck boot can be time-consuming, but by taking preventative measures and addressing the issue promptly, you can save yourself valuable time in the long run.
  • Increases comfort: Wearing properly maintained boots that are easy to put on and take off can greatly increase your comfort levels, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.
  • Reduces frustration: No one wants to deal with the annoyance and frustration of getting stuck in their boots. By properly caring for them, you can avoid this inconvenience altogether.
  • Preserves the environment: By regularly maintaining and repairing your boots instead of disposing of them, you’re helping to reduce waste and preserve the environment.
  • Can be passed down: With proper maintenance, your boots can last for years and may even become a cherished item that can be passed down to future generations.
  • Improves appearance: Well-maintained boots not only function better, but they also look better. By keeping them in good condition, you can maintain a polished and put-together appearance.


In conclusion, getting a stuck boot off your foot can be a difficult and painful process. It can also be time consuming and costly to have the boot cut apart. But by taking the right steps outlined in this blog post such as applying soapy water and WD-40 lubricant, removing the excess dirt or mud, and enlisting help from others if necessary you should be able to get rid of your stuck boot blues in no time!

With these tips and tricks at your disposal, you can tackle your stuck boots with confidence! In the meantime, make sure to stock up on some extra socks just in case! Now that you’ve learned how to get a stuck boot off your foot (should it happen again), go out there and enjoy yourself without having to worry about any wonky footwear woes!

Braxton Picou
Hello, I'm Braxton Picou, the proud founder of My journey in the world of footwear began with a personal collection of over 1000+ pairs, fueling my passion and leading me to establish this comprehensive digital resource for shoe lovers everywhere.. At, we are committed to being your go-to destination for high-quality guides, in-depth insights, and reliable advice on footwear. Our primary goal is to empower you with detailed buying guides, unbiased reviews, and extensive information, all crafted to help you make informed decisions on your shoe journey. As a community-focused platform, we value your voice at ShoesGrabber. We welcome and encourage your feedback and questions via comments and email. Whether you're seeking advice or sharing your experiences, we're here to engage in meaningful discussions. Remember, every step you take in style and confidence is a step we cherish at Join us in our mission to not just choose shoes, but to choose them wisely and stylishly.