Ever raised your eyebrows when you saw your dog sleeping on top of your shoes? Wonder why does this happen? Well, it’s not just because they love the smell and texture of the material dogs have complex motivations behind curling up to sleep. 

From scientific explanations related to their evolutionary habits to emotional connections formed with familiar objects that provide comfort, there are various plausible understandings as to why dogs might prefer snoozing on our shoes. Let’s dive deeper into the possible causes for a canine’s curiosity in wearing our footwear even if they don’t fit!

The Mysterious 15 Reasons Your Dog Loves to Sleep On Your Shoes:

Familiar Scents: 

Dogs have a sense of smell that is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than humans. The familiar scent of your shoes brings a feeling of comfort and security to them.

Separation Anxiety: 

Since dogs are pack animals, they can develop separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. Sleeping on your shoes that smell like you can give them reassurance in your absence.

Territory Marking: 

Dogs have scent glands on their paws and sleeping near or on shoes could be their way of marking territory, especially if they see the shoes as belonging to someone else.

Inherited Behavior: 

Domesticated dogs are descendants of wild canines who would sleep in dens to keep warm and protect themselves from predators. Sleeping on our shoes could be an instinctual behavior inherited from their ancestors.


Our shoes provide a soft and cozy spot for dogs to sleep on, especially if they have been worn in and formed to the shape of our feet.


Some dogs may sleep on shoes in hopes of gaining attention or just wanting to be close to their owners.


Sleeping on our shoes could also be a sign of submission, as it shows that the dog acknowledges us as the leader of the pack.

Temperature Regulation: 

Dogs regulate their body temperature through their paws and sleeping on shoes can help keep them warm in colder weather.

Stress Relief: 

Just like how humans have comfort objects, dogs may find solace in sleeping on our shoes when feeling stressed or anxious.


Dogs are naturally curious creatures and may enjoy exploring different smells and textures of our shoes while snoozing.

Feeling Protected: 

Sleeping on our shoes could give dogs a sense of protection and safety, as they associate the smell with their owners who provide them with love and care.


Dogs form strong emotional connections with their owners, and sleeping on our shoes could be a way to feel closer to them.


Sleeping on our shoes may also provide dogs with a sense of companionship, especially if they miss us when we are away.

Comfort Object: 

Our shoes may act as a comfort object for dogs, providing them with a sense of security and familiarity.


Dogs are creatures of habit, and if sleeping on our shoes has been rewarding or comforting in the past, they may continue to do so out of habit.

Common Causes for Dogs Sleeping on Shoes:

There are many reasons why dogs might prefer sleeping on our shoes, and it can vary from dog to dog.


Certain breeds may have a stronger instinct to sleep on shoes, such as working or herding dogs.


Puppies and senior dogs may find comfort in sleeping on our shoes due to their need for warmth and security.


Some studies suggest that male dogs are more likely to exhibit behavior related to scent marking, including sleeping on shoes.

Previous Experiences: 

If a dog has had positive experiences associated with sleeping on shoes, they are more likely to continue doing so.

Health Issues: 

Some health conditions may cause dogs to seek comfort and warmth by sleeping on our shoes, such as joint pain or arthritis.

Lack of Training: 

Dogs that have not been taught proper behaviors and boundaries may resort to sleeping on shoes as a form of comfort.

Lack of Exercise: 

Dogs that do not receive enough physical and mental stimulation may find interest in sleeping on shoes as a way to pass the time.


As previously mentioned, some dogs may sleep on shoes to gain attention from their owners.

Comfort and Familiarity: 

Ultimately, our shoes provide dogs with a familiar and comfortable spot to sleep on, and they may continue to do so if it brings them pleasure.

Indication of Trust: 

Sleeping on our shoes could also be a sign that the dog trusts us and feels safe in our presence.

Emotional Connection: 

Our shoes may hold sentimental value for dogs, especially if they have been with us during important moments in their lives.

Love and Affection: 

Dogs are known for their unconditional love and sleeping on our shoes could be their way of showing affection towards us.

Sense of Home: 

Our shoes carry the scent of our home, and dogs may find comfort in sleeping on them as it reminds them of their safe and familiar environment.

Natural Sleeping Position: 

Some dogs naturally prefer to curl up in a ball when sleeping, and shoes provide the perfect shape for them to do so.

Protection from Hard Floors

Dogs may choose to sleep on our shoes as they offer a softer and more comfortable alternative to hard floors.

Personal Space: 

Just like humans, dogs also appreciate having their own personal space and choosing to sleep on our shoes could be their way of creating a designated area for themselves.

Is It a Sign of Affection or Fearful Behavior?

It is important to note that dogs sleeping on our shoes can be both a sign of affection and fearful behavior. As previously mentioned, dogs may seek comfort and security by sleeping on our shoes. However, it can also be a sign of fear or anxiety if the dog feels the need to constantly be near their owner’s scent for reassurance. 

It is essential to understand your dog’s body language and behavior to determine the underlying reason for this behavior. If your dog seems anxious or distressed when not near your shoes, it may be a sign of separation anxiety that requires attention and training. On the other hand, if it is simply a habit or preference, there is no need for concern. 

Ultimately, every dog is different and their reasons for sleeping on our shoes may vary. It is important to provide them with a comfortable and safe sleeping area, while also setting boundaries and training them not to sleep on shoes if it becomes a disruptive behavior. Remember, our dogs are our faithful companions who only want our love and attention in return, whether that means sleeping on our shoes or snuggled up next to us on the couch.

How to Stop Your Dog from Lying on Your Shoes?

Provide an Alternative Comfort Object: 

If your dog is sleeping on your shoes for comfort, try providing them with a designated blanket or bed that they can associate with relaxation and security.

Train Them to Respect Boundaries: 

It’s important to teach your dog that certain areas, such as your shoes, are off-limits for sleeping. Consistency and positive reinforcement training can help establish this boundary.

Reward Good Behavior: 

If your dog successfully avoids sleeping on your shoes, be sure to praise and reward them with treats or attention. This will reinforce the desired behavior.

Increase Exercise and Mental Stimulation: 

Dogs that are physically and mentally stimulated are less likely to resort to destructive or disruptive behaviors like sleeping on our shoes. Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and playtime to prevent boredom.

Address Underlying Anxiety or Separation Issues: 

If your dog’s behavior of sleeping on your shoes is a sign of anxiety or separation issues, it may require additional training and techniques to address these underlying problems.

Keep Shoes Out of Reach: 

As a last resort, if all else fails, simply keeping your shoes out of reach from your dog can prevent them from sleeping on them.

Consult a Professional: 

If your dog’s behavior is causing disruption or concern, it may be beneficial to seek advice from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for personalized guidance and support.

Be Patient and Understanding: 

Remember that dogs may sleep on our shoes for various reasons, and it is important to be patient and understanding with them. Punishing or scolding your dog for this behavior can cause more harm than good. With consistent training and love, your dog can learn to respect boundaries and find comfort in other ways.

Embrace the Love and Affection: 

While it may be inconvenient at times, it’s important to remember that our dogs sleeping on our shoes is ultimately a sign of their love and affection for us. Cherish these moments and continue to show your dog unconditional love in return.

Keep Your Shoes Clean: 

To avoid your dog being attracted to your shoes for their scent, make sure to regularly clean and deodorize them. This will also help maintain a healthy and hygienic environment for both you and your furry friend.

Seek Professional Help if Needed: 

If you are concerned about your dog’s behavior or it is causing disruption in your daily life, do not hesitate to seek help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can provide personalized advice and techniques to address the underlying issue and improve your relationship with your dog.

Develop a Bedtime Routine: 

Creating a consistent bedtime routine for your dog can help establish healthy sleeping habits. This can include providing them with a comfortable and designated bed or blanket to sleep on, along with calming activities such as gentle play or relaxation exercises before bed.

Be Mindful of Your Own Behavior: 

Our dogs often mirror our own behavior and emotions, so it’s important to be mindful of our own actions and attitudes around them. If we are stressed or anxious, our dogs may pick up on this and resort to seeking comfort in sleeping on our shoes. Stay calm and create a positive and relaxing environment for your dog to sleep in.

Be Patient: 

Changing behavior takes time, so it’s important to be patient with your dog as they learn to break the habit of sleeping on your shoes. With consistency and love, they will eventually understand the boundaries and find comfort in other areas.

Enjoy the Bonding Experience: 

As much as we may want our dogs to sleep in their designated beds, there’s no denying that cuddling up with them on our shoes can be a heartwarming bonding experience. Embrace these moments and cherish the love and affection shared between you and your furry companion. 

Tips for Making your Home Comfortable for your Pet:

  • Provide a designated sleeping area for your pet, such as a crate or dog bed.
  • Make sure to provide plenty of toys and activities to keep your pet mentally stimulated and prevent boredom.
  • Keep the environment clean and hygienic for both you and your pet by regularly cleaning up any accidents or messes.
  • Create a safe space for your pet to retreat to if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
  • Consider purchasing calming pheromone sprays or diffusers to help create a calming atmosphere for your pet.
  • Keep an eye out for any potential hazards in your home, such as loose cords or toxic plants, that could harm your pet.
  • Regularly schedule playtime and exercise for your pet to keep them physically and mentally healthy.
  • Avoid using punishment or negative reinforcement as a means of discipline, as it can harm the bond between you and your pet.
  • Consult with your veterinarian for any additional tips or recommendations specific to your pet’s needs and behavior.
  • Most importantly, show your pet love, patience, and understanding in creating a comfortable and loving home for them to thrive in.


To sum up, the reasons why a dog sleeps on your shoes are varied and wide-ranging. From a physiological need for warmth and comfort to an inherent drive for security and a desire for attention, our canine companions have plenty of motivation when it comes to snuggling up with our footwear.

Whether it’s dozing off on your favorite pair of kicks or using them as a makeshift pillow, rest assured that your pup is just trying to take care of you in their own special way.

So the next time your pooch decides to curl up with your shoe, why not give them some extra love they really deserve it! After all, being able to come home to a furry companion waiting at the door with a happy grin is one of life’s greatest joys.

Braxton Picou
Hello, I'm Braxton Picou, the proud founder of ShoesGrabber.com. My journey in the world of footwear began with a personal collection of over 1000+ pairs, fueling my passion and leading me to establish this comprehensive digital resource for shoe lovers everywhere.. At ShoesGrabber.com, we are committed to being your go-to destination for high-quality guides, in-depth insights, and reliable advice on footwear. Our primary goal is to empower you with detailed buying guides, unbiased reviews, and extensive information, all crafted to help you make informed decisions on your shoe journey. As a community-focused platform, we value your voice at ShoesGrabber. We welcome and encourage your feedback and questions via comments and email. Whether you're seeking advice or sharing your experiences, we're here to engage in meaningful discussions. Remember, every step you take in style and confidence is a step we cherish at ShoesGrabber.com. Join us in our mission to not just choose shoes, but to choose them wisely and stylishly.